Saturday, June 10, 2017

A Day in Split

As we boarded our ferry, the SNAV Cagliari, in Ancona, Italy we were amazed at the variety of passengers. We felt pretty adventuresome till we saw this family boarding with us.

They had traveled from France by bike with their three kids! Look close, there are three. The mom is on a kind of recumbent tandem with one kid in the front and the oldest on a tag-along that actually had gears. The dad had a young one zonked out in a rear seat and was hauling most of the luggage on a trailer.
Caught both sunset and full moon
Our “state room” must have been all of 100 square feet, but we slept ok and the shower worked. We arrived in Split refreshed and cleared immigration quickly. We had time for a coffee and French toast breakfast on the harbor promenade (Riva) before a walking tour of the old section of the town which was originally Roman Emperor Diocletian’s palace and grounds built around 300 AD. Our hotel room here at the Cornaro is in stark contrast to the “state room” last night. Backroads groups stay here!

There was no time for lunch so a wine tasting had to suffice. The Croatians don’t have a great wine reputation, but the three we tasted were good. Their Zinfandel stock came from California, but the grape was first grown in Croatia according to our guide.

Tomorrow we bus to Makarska to start our hiking trip.

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